Most people look for way to make legitimate money online at one stage or another. If you have then you will have undoubtedly unearthed Empower Network along your travels. Questions on this business are frequent, so much so that we decided to release this quick guide on what to expect from this program.
So what is the truth? Ever business tells you that you 'need' to join it these days, what makes this any different?
As with any home business you should look at what you actually get for your money before you judge whether or not it's for you. So now we focus on the products, the part which most people totally ignore and the reason why they mostly fall flat of their face without making a single dime...
* This is a $25 per month membership.
* The main product members receive is a pre-built blog. Not just any blog, but an authority blog no less. What does that mean? Basically your posts are picked up and featured by the search engines very quickly, making it easier to get 'recognized' in your particular niche should you choose to do so. And it works, we tested it.
* The second product comes in the form of training and support.
* And finally the affiliate plan, a huge point of interest for anyone looking at this and no doubt that's why you initially had interest yourself.
So now for the big question....
Is it worth $25 per month? Truthfully, yes and no. We feel that the main product is essentially a pre-made blogging platform which anyone could set up if they took the time to learn what each setting in their Wordpress system means.
The training and resources was where this came into it's own for us. It's nice to see a home based business put so much time and attention into sharing useful tips and techniques with it's members. Apply what's available here and any blog or website will soar, proven in the fact that the company website itself consistently ranks within the top 500 sites in the USA online.
There is no doubt about it, learning how to get the ball rolling is a tough cookie. The fact that they provide so much from the get-go really helps those who are prepared to help themselves.
With most businesses people are expecting to get rich overnight and therefore even if great training resources are made available people simply do not use them. The one thing which impressed us here is that they are very open about the fact that all they can do is to give you the platform, you have to launch yourself.
With regards to the compensation plan the focus is clearly upon trying to help affiliates get themselves into profit as early as possible. At $25 per referral per month, you can achieve a lot as a business partner with this service if you decide it is for you. However, like most home businesses, most affiliates fail to make money. Whether due to a lack of support from their sponsors or a lack of determination on their own part, ensure going in that this does not happen to you.
The draw back of this huge compensation plan will come down to your own personal view point. The two up system has been used by other businesses in the past and is nothing new. You will either love it or hate it.
There are a fair few possibilities with regards to how far you can take this product depending on what you are actually using it for and how determined you truly are to become your own boss. One aspect we really loved was the training and, provided you have the desire, Empower Network literally does give you a platform from which to launch yourself skywards.
So what is the truth? Ever business tells you that you 'need' to join it these days, what makes this any different?
As with any home business you should look at what you actually get for your money before you judge whether or not it's for you. So now we focus on the products, the part which most people totally ignore and the reason why they mostly fall flat of their face without making a single dime...
* This is a $25 per month membership.
* The main product members receive is a pre-built blog. Not just any blog, but an authority blog no less. What does that mean? Basically your posts are picked up and featured by the search engines very quickly, making it easier to get 'recognized' in your particular niche should you choose to do so. And it works, we tested it.
* The second product comes in the form of training and support.
* And finally the affiliate plan, a huge point of interest for anyone looking at this and no doubt that's why you initially had interest yourself.
So now for the big question....
Is it worth $25 per month? Truthfully, yes and no. We feel that the main product is essentially a pre-made blogging platform which anyone could set up if they took the time to learn what each setting in their Wordpress system means.
The training and resources was where this came into it's own for us. It's nice to see a home based business put so much time and attention into sharing useful tips and techniques with it's members. Apply what's available here and any blog or website will soar, proven in the fact that the company website itself consistently ranks within the top 500 sites in the USA online.
There is no doubt about it, learning how to get the ball rolling is a tough cookie. The fact that they provide so much from the get-go really helps those who are prepared to help themselves.
With most businesses people are expecting to get rich overnight and therefore even if great training resources are made available people simply do not use them. The one thing which impressed us here is that they are very open about the fact that all they can do is to give you the platform, you have to launch yourself.
Watch as world leading sponsor Russ Howe shows how powerful Empower Network can be when used correctly.
With regards to the compensation plan the focus is clearly upon trying to help affiliates get themselves into profit as early as possible. At $25 per referral per month, you can achieve a lot as a business partner with this service if you decide it is for you. However, like most home businesses, most affiliates fail to make money. Whether due to a lack of support from their sponsors or a lack of determination on their own part, ensure going in that this does not happen to you.
The draw back of this huge compensation plan will come down to your own personal view point. The two up system has been used by other businesses in the past and is nothing new. You will either love it or hate it.
There are a fair few possibilities with regards to how far you can take this product depending on what you are actually using it for and how determined you truly are to become your own boss. One aspect we really loved was the training and, provided you have the desire, Empower Network literally does give you a platform from which to launch yourself skywards.
About the Author:
Author: Russ Howe is a global leading Empower Network business coach. View his free Empower Network Review video guide right here to steadily increase your income in this opportunity.
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