Anyone who has been trying to earn income online quickly learns that you have to have traffic. You absolutely have to have visitors headed to your blog or web page - hopefully in large numbers - if you are going to reach your goals. That said, how to go about getting traffic is the sixty-four dollar question.
The answer, of course, is backlinks. Backlinks are the primary indicator that your site is valued by visitors. Thus, the more backlinks you have, the more the search engines like your site or blog. This leads to a higher ranking and in turn to more traffic. Now you just have to figure out how to get more backlinks.
Thankfully, there are plenty of ways to get backlinks. Moreover, you can actually get lots of backlinks at absolutely no cost, as you can see below:
SocialAdr: SocialAdr is traditional backlinking via social bookmarks, with a little bit of a twist. Normally, social bookmarking consist of signing up for a number of social bookmarking accounts, and then posting backlinks to your own sites or blogs. With SocialAdr, you would instead post backlinks to the web pages and blogs of others on your social media accounts. This allows for the earning of credits, which you can use to have others post backlinks to your sites and blogs in their social media accounts.
SocialMonkee: Simply put, with SocialMonkee your site or blog gets 25 free backlinks each day. Moreover, the backlinks are created automatically. This is obviously one of the best deals around and taking advantage of it should be a no-brainer. The only complaint about it is that - with a free account - a specific URL can only be sublitted once. (There's also an option for a paid subscription that permits - among other things - for the submission of 3 URLs daily to 100 sites each, which works out to 300 backlinks every day.)
In short, backlinks should be a key part of any online marketing strategy. They are a requirement if you expect to achieve any level of success. Thus, the concept of free backlinks should entice all of us.
The answer, of course, is backlinks. Backlinks are the primary indicator that your site is valued by visitors. Thus, the more backlinks you have, the more the search engines like your site or blog. This leads to a higher ranking and in turn to more traffic. Now you just have to figure out how to get more backlinks.
Thankfully, there are plenty of ways to get backlinks. Moreover, you can actually get lots of backlinks at absolutely no cost, as you can see below:
SocialAdr: SocialAdr is traditional backlinking via social bookmarks, with a little bit of a twist. Normally, social bookmarking consist of signing up for a number of social bookmarking accounts, and then posting backlinks to your own sites or blogs. With SocialAdr, you would instead post backlinks to the web pages and blogs of others on your social media accounts. This allows for the earning of credits, which you can use to have others post backlinks to your sites and blogs in their social media accounts.
SocialMonkee: Simply put, with SocialMonkee your site or blog gets 25 free backlinks each day. Moreover, the backlinks are created automatically. This is obviously one of the best deals around and taking advantage of it should be a no-brainer. The only complaint about it is that - with a free account - a specific URL can only be sublitted once. (There's also an option for a paid subscription that permits - among other things - for the submission of 3 URLs daily to 100 sites each, which works out to 300 backlinks every day.)
In short, backlinks should be a key part of any online marketing strategy. They are a requirement if you expect to achieve any level of success. Thus, the concept of free backlinks should entice all of us.
About the Author:
Looking to find the best free backlinks, then visit www.passivepursuitofincome .com to find the best advice on free automatic backlinking.
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