Tuesday, 12 March 2013

What To Consider When Operating A Popular Mobile Device Comparison Website

By Abe Smith

Developing a Galaxy vs. iPhone comparison site can be a technical and overwhelming ordeal. However, there are resources available to assist you with areas that you may not be knowledgeable in so that your website can thrive in this competitive market. Resources will be provided to you in order to help you get started.

Take good care of yourself. The major asset your Galaxy vs. iPhone comparison site or online business has is you. When you are not balanced physically and mentally, it reflects on your website. When you are full of energy and bright ideas, it uplifts your business.

You have to keep in mind that your visitors came to your Galaxy vs. iPhone comparison site to get information they are looking for. If you want to run a successful website, you have to make sure to provide this information quickly and easily. If you don't, it might send away your visitors and ruin your site's reputation.

Make sure you have links written write into the copy on your Galaxy vs. iPhone comparison site. They'll stand out because of their different color (they should be blue and underlined) and provide contrast for your page. They're also excellent for providing sources for your information, and great for improving your search engine ranking.

Any time sensitive offers on your Galaxy vs. iPhone comparison site should be removed once they have expired. It will be very unattractive to a new visitor when they find a contest or some other offering still available on your website when in fact it just hasn't been updated. Keeping up a professional appearance is very important. You also don't want to give the impression that you're just baiting people.

Following the traditional placement of logos and menus is what your visitors expect. It makes the site instantly more familiar and user friendly. The clickable logo should be in the top left, leading to a page with links to popular sections of your site. Your menu should be on the right or below the logo.

Visitors who go to commercial Galaxy vs. iPhone comparison sites intend to find what the business objective is.The objective should be clearly noticed by visitors as soon as they enter the website.It is how they base their decisions about the site and determine whether or not it is succeeding. If no objective can be seen, it makes them hesitate and then, more often than not, they decide not to invest which would make the site pointless.

If your Galaxy vs. iPhone comparison site is based on a particular location or venue, it wouldn't do any harm to call a professional photographer to help you get real pictures. You would wish for your site to have its own flair, so avoid posting pictures taken by a camera on phone.

Commenting on other blogs that are writing about your topics is a way to draw in readers that are already interested in what you're talking about. Mentioning in the comments that you've also written about the topic and linking back to your own article could bring in tons of new readers.

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