You'll find several misconceptions along with a lot of poor press attached to network marketing and MLM - so what exactly is multilevel marketing really?
If you punch the question into Google you will get a whole bunch of answers. I guarantee the words "pyramid scheme" and "scam" show up someplace.
What is Multi-Level Marketing?
Direct sales is actually a way of retailing via a distribution channel comprising independent distributors and business owners. The model has been around for more than a century and it operates really effectively. It gives an excellent opportunity for people to start their very own business and frequently with a small capital investment.
Compared to a franchise, an MLM business is far more cost effective for many people. A franchise attached to a well-known organization name can cost many hundreds of thousands of dollars. Despite the fact that theoretically it's your business - you've got little freedom to do what you want to promote your business and often a monthly payment to the franchisor is required.
Compare that to a typical distributor enrollment fee which can be as small as $50-$500, so there's little economic danger.
Whenever you join a network marketing business as a distributor you operate as an independent contractor, so there is more opportunity to develop your business when and how you wish, if you would like. It is possible to create your business full-time, part-time, on the web or offline. You'll be able to be open for business seven days per week or seven days a month. It's your business and as the CEO of the personal business, you are the boss and you make all the choices.
Treat your business like a business and it'll pay you like a business. Treat it as a hobby (as most people do) and it's going to pay you like a hobby. The choice is yours.
What exactly is Multi-Level Marketing? - It's About Leveraging
When I read or hear that multilevel marketing is a scam, I've to shake my head. For any business to exist in retail, products need to be sold. Multilevel marketing is about selling product.
So how do you move product? You will find two methods. You are able to personally seek out consumers, supply your products for sale and pocket a commission for every single sale. This can be what is direct promoting. That is fine, you are able to earn a few hundred to a few thousand dollars per month as a salesperson. Even so, you also have the opportunity to recruit people to join your network of distributors and get paid a small commission on the products they sell, and this can be exactly where all of the big money, very leveraged revenue comes into play.
Perhaps J. Paul Getty said it best, "I would rather have 1% in the efforts of 100 men than 100% from the my own efforts." So creating a profitable million dollar MLM business just isn't about you doing a lot. It really is about plenty of people each doing a little.
This really is all about leveraging other people's time to make you a lot more money. Your distributors could only sell a couple of products a month - they might be pleased with a small monthly income and have no desire to develop their own downlines. Other people could be just like you and see the prospect of leveraging other people's time and they'll go off and start recruiting their very own team. According to the type of compensation system the company offers, you are going to probably earn commissions from your other team member's sales.
This can be called residual income and may be the best component in the MLM system. Other people are performing the majority of the work and you benefit financially. Naturally you can find administrative and instruction aspects that you just must get involved in, to make your team much more profitable. The harder you work on building a successful downline from the start and naturally you'll love the business and want to keep expanding.
So the answer to, "What is multi-level marketing?" is basic. What do you need it to be for you? The model delivers an unlimited earnings opportunity for all those who get in and get busy. Will that be you? Only you'll be able to answer that question.
If you punch the question into Google you will get a whole bunch of answers. I guarantee the words "pyramid scheme" and "scam" show up someplace.
What is Multi-Level Marketing?
Direct sales is actually a way of retailing via a distribution channel comprising independent distributors and business owners. The model has been around for more than a century and it operates really effectively. It gives an excellent opportunity for people to start their very own business and frequently with a small capital investment.
Compared to a franchise, an MLM business is far more cost effective for many people. A franchise attached to a well-known organization name can cost many hundreds of thousands of dollars. Despite the fact that theoretically it's your business - you've got little freedom to do what you want to promote your business and often a monthly payment to the franchisor is required.
Compare that to a typical distributor enrollment fee which can be as small as $50-$500, so there's little economic danger.
Whenever you join a network marketing business as a distributor you operate as an independent contractor, so there is more opportunity to develop your business when and how you wish, if you would like. It is possible to create your business full-time, part-time, on the web or offline. You'll be able to be open for business seven days per week or seven days a month. It's your business and as the CEO of the personal business, you are the boss and you make all the choices.
Treat your business like a business and it'll pay you like a business. Treat it as a hobby (as most people do) and it's going to pay you like a hobby. The choice is yours.
What exactly is Multi-Level Marketing? - It's About Leveraging
When I read or hear that multilevel marketing is a scam, I've to shake my head. For any business to exist in retail, products need to be sold. Multilevel marketing is about selling product.
So how do you move product? You will find two methods. You are able to personally seek out consumers, supply your products for sale and pocket a commission for every single sale. This can be what is direct promoting. That is fine, you are able to earn a few hundred to a few thousand dollars per month as a salesperson. Even so, you also have the opportunity to recruit people to join your network of distributors and get paid a small commission on the products they sell, and this can be exactly where all of the big money, very leveraged revenue comes into play.
Perhaps J. Paul Getty said it best, "I would rather have 1% in the efforts of 100 men than 100% from the my own efforts." So creating a profitable million dollar MLM business just isn't about you doing a lot. It really is about plenty of people each doing a little.
This really is all about leveraging other people's time to make you a lot more money. Your distributors could only sell a couple of products a month - they might be pleased with a small monthly income and have no desire to develop their own downlines. Other people could be just like you and see the prospect of leveraging other people's time and they'll go off and start recruiting their very own team. According to the type of compensation system the company offers, you are going to probably earn commissions from your other team member's sales.
This can be called residual income and may be the best component in the MLM system. Other people are performing the majority of the work and you benefit financially. Naturally you can find administrative and instruction aspects that you just must get involved in, to make your team much more profitable. The harder you work on building a successful downline from the start and naturally you'll love the business and want to keep expanding.
So the answer to, "What is multi-level marketing?" is basic. What do you need it to be for you? The model delivers an unlimited earnings opportunity for all those who get in and get busy. Will that be you? Only you'll be able to answer that question.
About the Author:
Joe Burke writes using the names jbmuchin and augustus1. His many topics include MLM, Internet Marketing and Network Marketing. His writings can be found on many article network marketing companies, andmlm leads
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