Sunday, 17 November 2013

The Rigorous Life Of A Dancer

By Leslie Griffith

Hard work is a must in the life of a dancer. Most who choose this as a career have been dancing since a very young age working to perfect their every dance movement. Devotion and a willingness to work very hard are needed to be successful in this beautiful art form. Although their life may appear glamorous to those on the outside looking in, those who actually dance know just how demanding this life can actually be.

The need for self discipline is a constant factor in this career. Hours each day have to be devoted to perfecting your techniques. Practice takes literally hours each and every day. Strengthening and stretching exercises, in addition to dancing must be done each day. The body must be constantly fine tuned to be able to accomplish the movement of a professional.

The type of training varies with each different type of dance. Someone dancing for a ballet, for instance, does different exercises when compared to a professional ballroom dancer. No matter what type of dancing you prefer, your body must be physically fit. Eating a well balanced diet is absolutely a necessity. Any abnormal weight gain can have a devastating effect on a performance.

Practicing and rehearsing are always on the to do list. It is usually vital to learn various choreographed routines. Getting a job on a show is no easy feat. First comes an audition. Expect the competition to be brutal. Only a few will probably be picked even though hundreds or thousands may audition. That is why following a very strict schedule of practice and rehearsals is necessary. If you have perfected your style, you may be the one that will stand out from the crowd.

Once you win the audition, the hard work begins in earnest. Rehearsals takes hours and hours to get the movements perfect. The show itself is a whole other story. You have to be in perfect form now. You will likely start very early in the day and not finish until well into the night. Tiredness and frustration cannot take over. If they do, the performance will suffer. The true professional makes the audience think the movements are all effortless. They do not know just how hard you have worked.

It takes an extremely dedicated person to do this every single day. Even if your muscles and joints are aching, you must carry on. However, if you truly have a passion for dancing, this will be no problem. For those who really love expressing themselves through the movement of dance, it will show each time you get on the stage.

The rewards far outweigh the hard work for anyone with a true passion for dancing. The majority of dancers do not get rich monetarily, but they gain riches in other ways. Most would not give up this career for anything else. Hearing applause for a great performance, knowing you have done your best makes all the hard work worthwhile.

Graceful is a wonderful word to describe this type of performer. The life of a dancer can be difficult. However, most think it is worth every hardship endured. If you are prepared to devote the majority of your time to achieve this goal, you may just be ready to join those in this very beautiful art.

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