Friday, 31 January 2014


By Hedrick Lepsch

Clara Barton, a pioneer in nursing as well as in women's rights, changed the world by undertaking the rewarding lifestyle nursing offers. Her efforts led to advancements in nursing as well as the foundation of The American Red Cross. Careers in the nursing field are among the most rewarding and admired. Sometimes, during the grueling process of nursing school, you lose sight of the honor associated with your future career. There is light at the end of the tunnel, although sometimes it might not feel like it. Below are some helpful tips to help you survive the nursing school gauntlet, get an RN and join the ranks of dignified nurses all over the world.

This is a tip that everybody knows, but few have the discipline to actually put it into practice. Learning the materials for your nursing exams becomes much easier if you dedicate time everyday towards reviewing what you have learned in classes. Cramming is not an effective way to study because of the way your memory converts short-term memories into long-term ones. Short-term memory becomes long-term memory through time.

Since graduation, his business boomed during the dot com explosion and progressed through entertainment and sports since them. He owns theaters, a film company (Magnolia Pictures) an HDTV company, a NBA team (Dallas Mavericks - how fitting), and has authored multiple books. He has donated to political campaigns (both democrats and republicans) and created a stimulus plan. And of course he is a "shark" investor on ABC's Shark Tank. His eclecticism is astonishing. He will do or be whatever he wants to be from event planning to new media marketing.

Your reach is only as far as your relationships and connections extend. If you lack those connections and friends, then you will find that you are lacking in the ability to really lead and influence, even on a communal level. This becomes very important when you are trying to promote your business, run for a political office, or promote some program in the community. Make sure that you are one of the most involved members in the community because people will be more likely to be involved in your life because they will see that you are proactive.

While overall a pretty good guy, his passion sometimes gets the best of him. He is particularly well known for his antics at Dallas Mavericks games. Rather than sitting up in a glass booth, he sits right down there on the bench, shouting away the moment the game gets underway. He has been fined multiple times, total costs soaring above a million dollars. Often criticized for his behavior, he at least is generous enough to match his fines with donations to charities as a sort of apology.

Despite his faults, it is clear that he has many strengths. Innovation is definitely one of them. Although hit-and-miss, his ventures have proven quite profitable. The way he changed the entertainment environment at Dallas Mavericks games has been a great success. His TV network was the first to be programmed exclusively for HD. He also releases films in the theater and on TV at the same time. Who knows what he will do next.

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