Wednesday, 13 November 2013

Why Is Obama Restricting New Canadian Oil Supplies & Development

By Bill A. Griesbach

Few in the media seem to portray the whole giant "Athabasca Tar Sands" as little more than an irritant to Obama. After all why send good money to the middle east with all its political troubles when we can send it to our "neighbors to the north" and obtain a reliable source of energy. The former Liberal Party Prime Minister of Canada once explained to George Bush jr. If we can give you a reliable source of oil , without political strife at less cost than you could - why wouldn't you buy it ? Fort McMurray with the historic "Athabasca Tar Sands" has emerged as Alberta's and Canada's pot of gold in the energy dependency field that we all live in 2013/2014. Things can only get better and more prosperous both for Alberta , Fort Mc Murray and the Edmonton based economic hinterlands.

Famous for the reaches of the Athabsasca Tar Sandsas well as large pipeline sectors of natural gas, Fort McMurray also boasts of forestry, tourism, and retail business. At one time a Ford auto dealer from Gimli chanced upon the place after reading about it on the plane This was early on its early oil industry discovery. There was just something about a boom town in the air he noted years later. At that point in time the area was virtually just a dot on the map of what wast to come . The population of Fort Mc Murray Alberta is less than 65, 000 and is a multicultural community. Half of its population is made up by native Albertans while about 20% are settlers from Newfoundland and Labrador. The city is one of the major hubs in oil production and houses two of the largest oil sand mining organizations Suncor Energy and Syncrude.

Yet these remote mining town not only offer a tremendous financial possibility but also are sportsmen s' paradises. Residents find they have been plunked down into a virtual wonderland with fishing , hunting, cross-country skiing and outdoor sports beyond their wildest dreams. What about climate. It is a matter of reasonable , even very nice summers but terribly cold - 40 degrees centigrade frigid type winters. Better have a working auto block heater for your vehicle - be it car or truck , if you are visiting the Fort come cold January or February weather conditions your truck or car will need an electric "block heater".

There is no doubt about it. Even with the additions to the economy of tourism , pulp and paper and being a well situated regional transport hub , Fort McMurray is basically a one industry mining town. In this case the mineral is black gold - oil - extracted by steam from mined "tar sands".

Fort McMurray Alberta offers a variety of fun and entertainment like 3-18 holes golf courses, billiard halls, bowling alleys, theatres, casinos, nightclubs and restaurants that cater to lower, medium and upper level incomes groups. Snowmobile tours, cross country skiing and ice fishing provide for excellent outdoor activities. Summer is the right time for hunting and fishing activities. Other events held at Fort McMurray Alberta include Blueberry festival, Famous Fish Fry, rubber duck race and many more.

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