Tuesday 29 January 2013

Your Success In Network Marketing is in Your MLM Training

By Brad Near

In today's economic crisis it is more important than ever for all of us to have option for alternative ways of generating incomes. Some of has have lost our primary careers. Some of us are in fear of losing our primary careers and some of us simply need to be able to create an additional income stream to make up for diminished incomes and increased taxes.

You may have come to our site, Your MLM Training, as you are looking for a solution.

It could be that you have already connected with a good company and are mystified with what seems to be 'smoke and mirrors' in the methods being taught for generating income and building an organization. I too felt exactly the same way.

If you're like me you may be confused about who is actually selling products. It seemed that all we had was a massive signup program with little to no training. When I asked the question of who is actually selling the products I got this quizzical look from my sponsors. I soon discovered that all the top producers were confused as well.

That did not sit well with me.

Just how does a person who comes from a strictly professional background enter the network marketing industry and survive? That was a burning question to me as the training I was seeing was so primitive and poorly delivered that I almost folded my tent and walked away. You see, my background comes from a professional, technical industry. I'm a retired airline pilot with over 30,000 hours of flying fighters in the United States Air Force and Boeing 707's, 727's, DC-10's and dozens of small aircraft. As I compared the MLM Training in the industry to what I had experienced I was really turned off with network marketing. Then, the light went off. If I could bring the disciplined training methods from my past to this industry it could possibly help thousands.

After retirement I found that retirement wasn't my cup of tea. Watching the paint dry and the grass grow as the most exciting things in my day I just had to back into something where I felt challenged and where I could garner that rush of good feelings brought on by success. I found it in the network marketing industry. Was the challenge there? , Yes! Was the success there? Well, that took a little more time. But, I was able to drive my checks past $16,000 a month in my first six months. So, that felt pretty good. I studied the leaders. I discovered what they knew and did and I simply did what they did. It worked!

Have you ever had your bag full of marbles and someone came along an pulled the string? There you are back on the floor starting all over again. If that hasn't happened to you in life, hang on, because it will. Being able to get up is the secret. Don't be concerned about how many times you get knocked down. My first company in this industry was an immediate success for me. In six months time my checks were up over $16,000 a month. That was great! But, then I witnessed greed and lack of morality in that company and left. My second company took me past $140,000 in net profits my first year. That felt good. That is the same company I have stayed with now for over 16 years. You have to be with the right company for your home based business to be a success.

So, just what does this bring to Your MLM Training? Here it is. We have pooled the knowledge and teachings of some of the most successful leaders in the MLM industry to create an MLM training system that can do for members of my own downline what the Air Force and Boeing schools did for me and others like me.

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