Saturday 27 April 2013

Email Marketing Essentials to Remember

By James Steele

You are aware of the fact that you need a list. It might be something you already have. It's quite possible you have found a little success with it. There's a chance that the success you've seen has started to drop. Don't panic! Your results from email marketing can fluctuate but that's something no one will tell you. Certain products and endeavors will have a better success rate than others. At the same time, when your sales are low, it can be tempting to start seeking out fancy and new techniques that are "guaranteed" to help you earn millions. Don't do it! We'll be discussing a few of the essentials in this article because that's exactly what you need to do when sales are slow - go back to the essentials.

You need to spend some time on your subject lines. The sensitivity of spam filters on most email clients nowadays borders on the ridiculous. Many email marketers try to game the spam filters by using numbers instead of letters or purposely spelling various words wrong. This the last thing you should do. Subject lines should be on point and not overly long. They also should be expressive and colorful. If your subject line is "Today I'll Show You How to Make Millions Overnight" then expect your email to end up in the spam box. On the other hand, a subject line like "Newsletter Edition #7: Suggestions on Increasing Your Profitability" will have a much better chance of getting through.

Don't base your email content on PLR. Lots of email marketers try to fill out their messages with poor quality PLR. You need to respect your readers more. It is true that there are slow news days. Yes, creating content that will offer your readership value takes time and effort. That's fine! It's a much better approach to send out a few emails that have great content than tons of them with cheap stuff.

Your readers will appreciate not having to deal with piles of poor quality emails. If you adopt the less but better quality approach, they'll love you for it.

If someone wants to leave your list, let them. Lots of email marketers panic and stalk the person, trying to convince the person to come back. Ensure their email has been removed from your list of subscribers and send a simple message saying you're sad they are leaving. If the email somehow doesn't get deleted and you find out that you have sent emails to them anyway, send a personal message to apologize. They might even come back by themselves after that. Whenever things start to get too complicated, it's good to get back to the basics. Notwithstanding the thing you are working toward, this is always true. Make a nice base for yourself because it will serve you well if you need to return time and again. The tips in this article are just the beginning. While you are gaining knowledge and laboring and slipping up on things (and fixing those), you'll be forming a solid foundation of basics that you can take advantage of whenever you need to.

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