Sunday 3 February 2013

Why wouldn't you start a blog?

By Robbie Kay

Ultimate saying everybody always says is that a "life worth living is a life worth writing."

It is your right to own a blog - Why you should blog.

This is a time where the word "freedom" is being tossed around like a hamburger. Blogging is one of the strongest representations of, "freedom of speech." You could say what you want, when you want, and how you want to.

You could create real relationships from blogging online. Literally, I'm a normal person, but a lot of people I met that are my friend's today were created through blogging friendships. You could easily build a community of like-minded individuals.

You would be super surprised to find out how many people share the same beliefs and morals as you online.

The way business will be in the 21st century- and why you should blog.

We are in the age of "transparency," which is very scary to a lot of people, but blogging has really created this along with Social Media.

Companies that haven't changed with the times like "Border's" and "Blockbuster" have been swept out of the market. They have been replaced with monsters like "Netflix," and the "Kindle."

More and more people have woke up and smelt the coffee. They are started to create an online presence because you better believe there will be a thing called an e-economy.

The rules have changed. People don't care about the "Lindsey Lohans" anymore. The idea of success has changed. The world is so big, and has so much information that anybody could be a "celebrity" in a niche. It is the rise of the "micro-celebrities," people are becoming famous online through their marketing and blogging in hundreds of different niches.

Why you oughta blog

The Web 2.0, and blogging has completely changed the way business is done.

Exactly why is this?

Instead of trusting a companies sales message. We will Google a company and check blog reviews to see if they really promise what they are saying. This is called the "age of transparency," people want social proof. They want their peers opinion, not yours.

What does this mean. If you don't have a credible online presence, you will run out of business. If somebody at their keyboard can't find you, you won't receive them as a customer. They will buy from the person who ranks number one on Google.

What are some real reasons you should blog online.

Well, it empowers you. If you've woken up to the bullshit you've been told since your a toddler, you understand a degree is pretty useless.

You disagree? Well, maybe if your a Doctor or Lawyer it's completely required. But, let's say you study Computer Science and all of a sudden hey don't need you no more, well your shit out of luck.

Let's me tell you why you don't need to be a suit wearing expert in today's society to make some money.

Well first off, look at Bill O' Reilly, that asshole doesn't know his rights form his lefts.

If you know more than 1-99% of the population in a certain niche, you will be considered an expert. If you know something I don't, and you teach me it. I will consider you an expert in that particular topic.

Like I said earlier, the written word is magical. If they see you have an article online, people hold it credible just like the hold the news or a book credible.

It's human nature, most people don't start blogs so a blog creator automatically is put on a pedestal.

This should be empowering to you. If you understand a niche or you have a topic you love, you could quickly become a "micro-celebrity," or expert.

This is only if you blog consistently and offer value in your content, if you stink, nobody will read it.

The power of writing is magical. When you take your thought and put it into paper, it creates experiential learning. It creates an experience where you learn more in the process.

This is an awesome concept. Over time you will feel like Einstein or a mad poet. And, if you tweak your writing, and do a couple of tasks, you will rank on Google, and/or get some eyeballs on your article from all over the place.

This is much easier than it looks. If you scroll down below I will show you exactly how you can Rank on Google.

Why you should blog if your a business owner, entrepreneur, freelancer, or your avidly passionate about a certain topic or niche subject.

Let's say you hypothetically moved to New York. The first thing your going to do is look up on Google and find the best area to live, the best houses, and for the best prices, so how unwise would it be for a real-estate agent to not be on Google?

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