Monday, 26 November 2012

Using Cpanel Email Tools To Create New Accounts

By Deda Lamy

Web mail is a service help you to create and accept your website mails from different email accounts you developed in your website . For example if you create an account in your site email system and you want to utilize this email account to publish and receive emails this service will help you to perform that .

Firstly you need to log in to your website back end panel interface (Cpanel) and scroll below to the email part , You should acquire a little snippet called webm ail program select it and you will find different email editing tools the number varies from hosting organization to another for instance if you purchase hostgator plan you will find various 3 different programs (Squrrl mail ,roundcube, horde ) .

How to make new email and connect them to your blog ? many of us have internet email user from the free of charge email services websites such as google and hotmail , but when you create your individual web site it's necessary to own email account or many different accounts which are attached to your blog or website and support it .

To create specific site web mail user from the site back end control section Email , Choose the icon email accounts . A new page will appears which display the email accounts available , when you acquire your web blog package from the internet host company an account created by default and the user name to log in to control panel used as the email name for instance

What is web mail spamming mails and what is the way prevent it from reaching you web site email accounts ? unexpected (spam) email are these emails published to reach you and you didn't expect to acquire such emails , For Example business spam emails . There are some services to aid you get rid of these email types , in the email part of the Cpanel you should get a function titled Box trapper with that service you can make different listing from emails accounts a denied accounts list and accept list you can edit this service to automatically add specific needed addresses to one of these list regarding specific features you specifies it , explore related article.

Sending emails from one account to a different account . When you create two email boxes in your website email configuration did you require to get into apiece to show its emails ? no you didn't need to do that and here where the service called forwarders Tool comes on . By this service you can redirect the messages arrived to you in specific web mail box , say account A to another web mail box B . By doing that you save the valuable time you require to log in each account individually .

Hostgator coupon code great deal to acquire all these services . OK if you need to get all these features and purchase a reliable web hosting support services from a big provider in the field of web hosting , I will provide you with several coupons to aid in purchasing your internet website hosting account . any hosting package you select you can find a coupon for it .

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