Sunday 24 March 2013

All You Need To Consider When Operating A Computer Technology Website

By Joan Ames

Not everyone is familiar with internet marketability, do not listen to the gossip, listen to the professionals. Here are some tips to apply to have your computer guide site running in a marketable, profitable way

To stand out from the crowd, get creative with your design! You don't your computer guide site to look like all the other millions of technology help websites out there. Use your imagination to present your information in new and interesting ways - but don't experiment too broadly. If the design is getting in the way of the content, you need to scale it back.

A great way to get your readers to read your content and keep coming back is to set up update notices for your site and let anyone sign up. This will make it so that any time you upload new content, they will get a notice that will direct them to that content. Make sure it is good content so your readers will get more involved with your computer guide site.

Pages that frequently cause visitors to leave your site are called "leaky pages". You should frequently check you site for "leaky pages". In an attempt to get more clicks on those pages, you should adjust the design and copy of the pages. This may help you in getting more clicks or purchases on your page.

There are statistics gathering tools available which you could make use of on your computer guide site. You could track how many people visit your technology help website and from which locations. These statistics could also tell you how a visitor landed on your page.

There aren't many people out there that don't like a good tease. With that being said, an effective strategy that your computer guide site can use is to use teases that hint at the good stuff that are being offered inside your technology help website. It's a strategy that magazines use to encourage everyone to purchase it and look more closely, which is what you're trying to go for with your site. If they like what they see, they'll keep coming back to see if there's more.

Social media networks are a huge hit in today's society. From kids to grandparents, everyone has a profile in any one or all of the leading sites like Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and MySpace. To keep up with this trend, setting up a profile is a great way to be able to interact with your fans or members. It can even help you get more feedback about your site by checking their comments.

A great way to organize the information on your computer guide site is through tabs. Tabs are headers that give you a general idea. Once a tab is clicked it will reveal more content. This allows you to condense a large amount of information into a smaller space. This keeps the technology help website looking neat, organized, and polished. It also helps the visitor navigate the site in a smooth manner.

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